
News and updates relating to college study in Australia or New Zealand, from Study Options.

Open your bank account

Open a bank account in Australia or New Zealand before you leave the UK

This will save you a lot of hassle and some unpleasantly chunky bank charges when you first arrive! 

To open an Australian bank account, please click here

To open a New Zealand bank account, please click here

TAFE International Western Australia regional campuses

Western Australia is Australia’s largest state and covers the entire Western third of the country. So, if you want to live and study in Western Australia, your choices are not restricted to Perth!

Studying outside of a big city can provide students with a unique opportunity to experience life in a close community while earning a qualification that will provide excellent future career options. 

TAFE Western Australia has seven regional campuses all around the state offering courses open to international students. The campuses are divided up by area:

Iona's story

Iona Brinch is from Denmark and studied a Diploma of Digital Media (Advanced) at ACG Yoobee

“I have wanted to go to New Zealand since first watching Lord of the Rings when I was 11, and I finally got the chance to go there on a working holiday visa in 2011. I met some people who were working at Weta Studios and they invited me to a workshop. One thing led to another and I ended up helping out with various projects at Weta Studios until December 2012.

International scholarships available at the Northern Sydney Institute - TAFE NSW

For 2017, the Northern Sydney Institute, part of TAFE NSW is offering the highest number of scholarships (forty) to international students to study a diploma or advanced diploma, an associate or bachelor degree. Each scholarship contributes AU$2,000 towards the tuition fees for a TAFE NSW course.

Scholarship applicants must complete an application form and submit it before the appropriate deadline listed below.

Only a few days left to apply for 2016 Sydney TAFE Scholarships!

Don't miss an opportunity to apply for an International Student Scholarship at Sydney TAFE!  For students commencing their studies in semester 2, 2016 the scholarship deadline is just over a week away - 6th May 2016.

Scholarships are available for students studying a Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree or Bachelor Degree course with a minimum duration of 1.5 years. The scholarship of AU$2,000 will be credited towards a student's tuition fee on their third semester of studies.

Apply now for Endeavour Scholarships for 2017

The Endeavour Scholarships are the Australian Government's internationally competitive, merit-based scholarship programme. They offer high-performing students from around the world the opportunity to further their studies in Australia.  For Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree level courses you can apply for the Endeavour Vocational Education and Training Scholarship.


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