Media & Music

Courses include: Journalism; film, radio and TV studies (including production); public relations; production; music business; screen studies; music production; video and electronic media


Ara Institute of Canterbury

Holmesglen Institute

Melbourne Polytechnic

Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT)

TAFE International Western Australia

TAFE New South Wales



TAFE International Western Australia regional campuses

Western Australia is Australia’s largest state and covers the entire Western third of the country. So, if you want to live and study in Western Australia, your choices are not restricted to Perth!

Studying outside of a big city can provide students with a unique opportunity to experience life in a close community while earning a qualification that will provide excellent future career options. 

TAFE Western Australia has seven regional campuses all around the state offering courses open to international students. The campuses are divided up by area:

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